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Stephanie Martynuck

Director of SONshine Bible Clubs

Stephanie was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, with formal education at the University of Western Ontario. She was not a follower of Jesus until her mid-20s, when working as a professional firefighter, the Lord awakened her heart and filled it with His love. She took a very early retirement and has since been starting fires everywhere (for Jesus that is!).

Stephanie and her husband Craig have been married 27 years and have four amazing children who all helped volunteer and run the SONshine club for three years. In the interim, she volunteered with Connecting Streams in Edmonton, worked at Hope Mission, ran various Bible studies, and continued to study His word. Stephanie has a heart for the children of Sault Ste. Marie to hear the clear message of the Gospel. Another of Stephanie's passions is the persecuted Church in Cuba where she visits her ministry friends whenever possible.

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