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Melody Seibert

Office Administrator at Lake of the Trees Bible Camp

Camp has always been a big part of my life. I’ve gone to LOTT as a camper ever since I was a little girl, and then later through the work crew program. Eventually volunteering in the summer, and now signing on as a year-round missionary! 

I have always been gifted in extreme organization, and administration, and I genuinely love office work. My work involves a lot of the behind the scenes, so you won’t see me on the front lines, but know that I’m there! 

A healthy administrative department is needed to keep the camp running smoothly, and in continuing processes of improvement, continuing growing God's vision here. 

I am recently married, and my husband has been a huge support for me taking this role! We both have a heart and a passion for discipleship and showing youth the love of Christ. Both of us are also youth leaders at our local congregation, and so when the opportunity arose to be a part of the tangible change Bible Camp brings, while also pouring out to young people? I was absolutely on board! 

I am so excited that God has brought on the opportunity to serve in the ways that I am. All while showing others the Love of the Lord. 

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